Time and place of action

The time of the action of the Doctor Dolittle books

The first words of the first book about Doctor Dolittle talk about the times when our grandmothers and our grandfathers were children. However, it was written in 1920, so the action of the story about Doctor Dolittle begins in the early 19th century, as we learn from later parts, around 1834.

We know this from the fact that in the section “The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle” there is a mention that he preceded this journey with a visit to the house of Jacob Stubbins (Tom Stubbins’ father), and in memory of this visit a stone was placed with the following inscription: “JOHN DOLITTLE, THE FAMOUS NATURALIST, PLAYED THE FLUTE IN THIS HOUSE IN THE YEAR 1839.”

We also know from the same book that John Dolittle hasn’t seen Polynesia for 5 years. The last time the Doctor saw Polynesia was when he left her in Africa at the end of the adventures in The Story of Doctor Dolittle. Hence we can place the beginning of the adventures of John Dolittle in 1834.

“The Voyages of Doctor Dolittle” to the vicinity of South America lasted about 3 years, i.e. until about 1841, ending with an undersea journey on board the Great Glass Sea Snail at the mouth of the Marsh River near Puddleby.

John Dolittle’s next trip… to the Moon… begins in the spring, but with preparations lasting until the fall of 1842, because in the section “Doctor Dolittle’s Garden” Polynesia mentions that the doctor had not traveled for approximately 5 months. The stay on the Moon lasts about 1 year, so the return (in the “Doctor Dolittle’s Return”) may have occurred around 1843-1844.

After returning, the Doctor conducts research on the longevity of plants and animals described in the section “Doctor Dolittle and the Secret Lake”, in which he must go again to the heart of Africa to complete notes on the history of humanity. There is no mention of the exact time of these events, but it can be assumed that it was about 1-2 years after returning from the Moon.

The same part describes the events that took place after The Flood (the times of Noah’s Ark), i.e. several thousand years Before Christ.

Where else was Doctor Dolittle?

Tom Stubbins did not describe any more travels and adventures, probably due to lack of time, because apart from writing books, he had many other duties that took up his time. After all, he participated in Doctor Dolittle’s scientific research, writing his scientific books, treating animal patients, and caring for his garden.

The place of the action of the Doctor Dolittle books

DD Story: Puddelby
“A little town called Puddleby-on-the-Marsh”
DD Voyages: Puddleby and the River Marsh
Puddleby and the River Marsh

Doctor Dolittle’s house

DD Story: Doctor's House Outside
Doctor’s House Outside

The doctor’s place of work is Puddelby on the River Marsh. The doctor’s house is a small house with a large garden (over 1 acre (or over 4000 m2)). There is a stable there. The garden is surrounded by a high stone wall. This is a place where an old castle once stood in the place of a house. The garden was then a large lawn. This is described in the section “Doctor Dolittle’s Zoo”.

In the garden, Doctor Dolittle founded the Zoo, which later became the Animal City.

DD Story: Doctor's House Inside
Doctor’s House Inside
DD Story: Doctors House Inside - Sarah Leaves
Doctors House Inside – Sarah Leaves
DD Voyages: Doctor's House Inside
Doctor’s House Inside
DD Voyages: Doctor's House - the Kitchen
Doctor’s House – the Kitchen

Facts about the location of Puddleby

Puddleby is a few miles (kilometers) from the towns of Oxenthorpe and Grimbledon.

On the way from Puddleby to Africa, the doctor’s ship had the port of Penzance on its port side.

Does Puddleby (and Grimbledon and Oxenthorpe) really exist or ever existed?

In fact, Puddleby is a fictional town. We know it was supposed to be in the west of England. However, its location is impossible to approximate. There is no Marsh River. The surrounding towns of Oxenthorpe and Grimbledon no longer exist.

Places of action during Doctor Dolittle’s journeys

The Story of Doctor Dolittle

Africa: Kingdom of Jolliginka + Land of the Monkeys, Canary Islands.

The Kingdom of Jolligin does not exist, but it is probable in the years when these events took place (circa 1834).

Doctor Dolittle’s Post Office

Africa: Kingdom of Fantippo (around the actual Gulf of Guinea). Cape Stefan with the lighthouse.

The Kingdom of Fantippo and Cape Stephen do not exist, but it is probable that they existed in the years when these events took place.

Doctor Dolittle’s Circus and Doctor Dolittle’s Caravan

England on tour, including London

Some of the cities visited by Dolitle Circus still exist (Manchester, London). There is also a statue of Saint. Edmund at St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, where the sparrow Cheapside lived.

“The rest of the year he lives around St. Paul’s Cathedral. He builds his nest in St. “Edmund’s left ear.” “Where?” cried Jip. “In the left ear of a statue of St. “Edmund on the outside of the chancel—the cathedral, you know,” the Doctor explained.

Doctor Dolittle and the Green Canary

Pipinella’s Tale: England and the Atlantic, including Ebony Island

No data on actual cities.